1) All the living and nonliving components in an area. a) Ecosystem b) Community c) Biosphere d) atmosphere 2) When the components of the ecosystem interact, they affect one another. a) True b) False 3) Nonliving parts of an ecosystem. a) abiotic factors b) biotic factors 4) Abiotic factors include: a) air b) water c) rock, soil d) animals e) plants f) sunlight, temperature 5) Living parts of an ecosystem. a) abiotic factors b) biotic factors 6) Biotic factors include: a) bateria b) plants c) rock d) animals e) sunlight f) water 7) All the organisms living together in an ecosystem make up a a) system b) environment c) community 8) What are examples of biotic factors interacting with abiotic factors? a) A deer is drinking water b) A tiger is chasing a deer c) The sun is giving light to the tree d) The fish is using air in the water to breathe e) Giraffe is eating leaves 9) Ecosystem can be any size. a) True b) False 10) An aquarium is not an ecosystem because it is too small. a) True b) False 11) A drop of water is not an ecosystem. a) True b) False 12) The entire Earth is an ecosystem. a) True b) False 13) Every kind of organism must get energy and matter from its environment/ Mọi loại sinh vật đều phải lấy năng lượng và vật chất từ ​​môi trường của nó. a) True b) False 14) Organisms need energy to carry on life processes, such as/ Các sinh vật cần năng lượng để thực hiện các quá trình sống, như: a) moving b) reproducing c) growing d) repairing damaged body parts e) eating f) sleeping 15) An organism that makes its own food is called a) a producer b) a decomposer c) a consumer 16) Plants are producers. a) True b) False 17) Plants play an extremely vital role in life on Earth. a) True b) False 18) Organisms that break down, or decompose, other organisms' bodies after they die are called a) producers b) microbes c) decomposers d) consumers 19) Bacteria and fungi are both decomposers. a) True b) False 20) Microbes include: a) earthworms b) bacteria c) very small fungi d) plants e) animals 21) Organisms that cannot produce their own food must eat other organisms/ Những sinh vật không thể tự sản xuất thức ăn phải ăn các sinh vật khác. a) decomposers b) consumers c) producers d) microbes 22) Consumers can eat: a) only producers b) only other consumers c) both producers and consumers

SNA- Ecosystem.01


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