1) The watch costs more now __ it did two weeks ago. a) then b) than 2) He thought he could handle the money better __ I could. a) then b) than 3) You go first, __ I will go. a) then b) than 4) You pick it out, __ I'll buy it. a) then b) than 5) Ankit enjoys basketball more __ football. a) then b) than 6) Rahul plays piano better __ Riya plays the guitar. a) then b) than 7) Turn on the computer, __ open the file. a) then b) than 8) Do you know what happened __ ? a) then b) than 9) I like the orange gum more __ the grape gum. a) then b) than 10) I wanted to win more __ my opponent did. a) then b) than 11) I wanted to win more __ my opponent did. a) then b) than 12) __ is used to show the passing of time. a) then b) than

Uses of than and then by esc24x7 by esc24x7.com (Vikram- 890154061)


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