vein - a long, narrow deposit of ore that contains gold, silver and other minerals., placer mining - Using moving water to separate flakes or nuggets of gold from gravel and soil taken from the bed or bank of a stream., ore - A natural substance such as rock that contains gold, silver, and other valuable minerals., hand-rock mining - Removing gold, silver, or other minerals from quartz rock., immigrant - A person who leaves one country to settle in another country., territory - A part of the United States that has not been admitted as a state. , statehood - Being a state rather than a territory in the United States. Colorado received this in 1876., mine tailings - The waste rock taken from a mine that is left on the mountainside. , Pikes Peak Gold Rush - Thousands of people headed to Colorado in the search of gold, starting in 1859., "Pikes Peak or Bust" - A slogan written on covered wagons during the Pikes Peak Gold Rush., nugget - a small lump of gold or other precious metal found ready-formed in the Earth., "humbugged" - Another word for misled, sluice - A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, to help with searching for gold., pollute - to contaminate with harmful or poisonous substances., narrow-gauge railroad - A railway with a track that is much narrower than other railways. This allowed trains to navigate treacherous mountain landscapes.  , indian reservations - A designated area of land reserved for a tribe or tribes under a treaty. Most often this was a forced arrangement, relocating many Native American groups from their homes. , , Sand Creek Massacre - The slaughter of about 230 Arapahoe and Cheyennes Indians by Colonel Chivington and his soldiers. Most that were killed were women and children and this started war in the plains. ,

Gold and Silver Mining


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