世纪 - century, 收到 - receive an item, 收入 - income, 收拾 - tidy up, 首都 - capital, 首先 - first of all, 受不了 - cannot bear sth, 受到 - receive (love, concern or punishment), 收 - collect, 输 - lose/fail, 熟悉 - be familiar with, 数量 - amount/quantity, 数字 - number, 帅 - handsome, 顺便 - incidentaly/by the way, 顺利 - smoothly, 顺序 - order, 说明 - explain, 硕士 - master degree , 死 - die, 速度 - speed, 塑料袋 - plastic bag, 酸 - acid/sour , 随便 - casual, 孙子 - grandson, 所有 - all, 站台 - platform, 抬 - to lift up/to carry, 态度 - attitude, 随着 - along with,

HSK4 vocabulary 391-420


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