trading standards - urząd do spraw norm handlowych, product liability - odpowiedzialność prawna za produkt (szkody nim wyrządzone), negligent - zaniedbujący, to part with sth - to give sth to sb else, especially sth you would prefer to keep, watchdog - ciało nadzorujące, to claim for sth - wnieść o coś, marketing research - investigation of problems related to marketing, market research - investingation of markets, customer research - used to discover behaviour patterns and needs of customers, motivation research - psychological reasons why people buy specific products and what appeals to them, desktop research/secondary research - analysis of the info you can find without leaving your desk , field research/primary research - talking to people and finding out what they think, qualitative research - gathering info from small groups of consumers to understand a problem better, quantitative research - gathering large data followed by statistical analysis, respondent - respondent, advertising appeals - strategies for grabbing the attention of people to make them buy your product, in-depth - very thorough and detailed, statistical analysis - analiza statystyczna, findings - wyniki, rezultaty, data mining - sorting through large data to find patterns and find solutions,

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