1) Can you name some examples of digital influencers you follow or admire? What makes them appealing to you? 2) How do digital influencers use social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to promote products or services? 3) Do you trust recommendations from digital influencers when making purchasing decisions? Why or why not? 4) In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using digital influencers in marketing campaigns? 5) Have you ever bought a product or tried something new because a digital influencer recommended it? How did it turn out? 6) How do you think digital influencers can maintain authenticity and credibility while promoting sponsored content? 7) Do you believe digital influencers have a responsibility to their followers when endorsing products or sharing opinions? Why or why not? 8) How do you think the role of digital influencers in marketing will evolve in the future? 9) Do you think digital influencers have a lot of power when it comes to convincing people to buy things? Why or why not? 10) Imagine you are a digital influencer. What kind of products or services would you like to promote and why? 11) What are some advantages and disadvantages of using social media for marketing? 12) What kind of products do you see celebrities promoting on social media? Do they make you want to buy things? 13) Do you think digital influencers should be transparent about when they're being paid to promote something? Why or why not? 14) LOSE 1 POINT 15) LOSE 1 POINT 16) WIN 3 POINTS 17) WIN 3 POINTS 18) WIN 3 POINTS



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