1) The bridge Zárate - Brazo Largo ... a few years ago. a) is built b) built c) was built 2) Sorry but this chicken ... properly. a) cooked b) isn't cooked c) was cooked 3) The pears in "Alto Valle del Río Negro" ... until September.  a) aren't picked b) picked c) is picked 4) Our products ... within 7 days after your purchase, sir. a) are going to deliver b) delivered c) are delivered 5) ... cheese ... on your farm? a) Is / made b) Is / make c) Are / made 6) First quality tomatoes ... by our farmers last year. a) grew b) were grown c) was grown 7) Matt ... to the principal's office this morning because of his misbehaviour.  a) is called b) called c) was called 8) "You ... to study hard all year, kids!" said the teacher.  a) are expected b) expected c) expect 9) We ... to wait outside. a) told b) were told c) was told 10) The best students ... a place at some renowned universities in England.  a) are usually offered b) is usually offered c) usually offer

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