1) I__my hotel reservations and stayed with friends a) cancel b) cancels c) canceling d) canceled 2) He__his homewor before he went to school a) Was doing b) has done c) had done d) is done 3) My wife_to the village market to buy foods every day a) goes b) gone c) went d) go 4) I__a sandcastle when to beach a) make b) made c) making d) makes 5) The gold cup___to the when of the final match a) Was given b) has given c) gives d) gave 6) They_enough capital to build a second factory a) has b) have c) had been d) have to 7) I__a couple of shirts because they were on sale at a good price a) buy b) bought c) have bought d) Was bought 8) John usually practices piano after __back from the school a) Come b) come c) coming d) to come 9) I always _ some money in my wallet for emergencies a) Keep b) Kept c) Keeping d) to keep 10) I think you ___take an umbrella in case it rains a) should b) Could c) Would d) Met 11) _7 billion people in the world yet my heart choose you a) There will b) There has c) There is d) There are 12) โครงสร้างใด เป็นโครงสร้าง ประโยคบอกเล่า a) s+v2+o b) s+v1+o c) s+will+v1+o d) s+have+v3+o 13) if i were you I _ in and watch television at home a) have stayed b) will stay c) would stay d) would have stayed 14) _darkness everywhere because of the power cut last night a) There are b) There is c) There was d) There were 15) The new dam _ across the river for producing electricity a) buildlng b) build c) was built d) has built 16) She swore angrily at me and __quickly oit of the door without looking back a) Walks b) Walked c) Walking d) Walk 17) I intend to visit Tokyo _ the holiday a) when b) during c) while d) at 18) I was__after by doctors and nurses when I was in the hospital a) look b) looked c) looking d) to look 19) He is late even though he __within a within a mile of here a) live b) lives c) lived d) living 20) If you__less and exercised more you would have lost some weight a) ate b) Will eat c) had eaten d) have eaten


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