Introducing the Website:: "This website is called [Name]. It is a [type of website] where you can [main function].", "The website [Name] is used for [brief description].", Describing a Positive Opinion: "One positive thing about this website is [positive aspect].", "A good thing about [Name] is that [positive aspect].", "What I like about [Name] is [positive aspect].", Describing a Negative Opinion:: "However, a negative aspect is [negative aspect].", "On the downside, [Name] has [negative aspect].", "One thing I don’t like about [Name] is [negative aspect].", Summarizing the Opinion:: "Overall, I think [Name] is [summary of opinion].", "In general, [Name] is [summary of opinion], but [negative aspect].", "To sum up, [Name] is [summary of opinion], although [negative aspect].",

B1. Key Phrases for Giving an Opinion in a Review: A Website


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