toddler - a child that has recently learned to walk, newborn - a child that was born recently, commercials - another word for TV adverts, sensible - someone who depends on logic, sensitive - someone who is easily offended, screw - a small metal object used to join things together by being rotated, tiles - a protective covering made from clay that covers the top of a building, be out of - to have a lack of sth at the shop, named after - to carry another person's name in honor of them, row - a line of seats, dustmen - people who clean the streets, tray - an object for carrying cups and plates at the restaurant, sunscreen - something you use to protect your skin from the sun, undergraduate - a student who is studying for his / her first degree, crops - plants grown in large quantities for food, landfill site - a place to take rubbish that can’t be recycled, stationer's - a shop that sells writing materials, faucet - the American word for ‘tap’, reception - the formal meal that follows a wedding, parting - the line where hair is divided using a comb, irrational - an adjective to describe someone who acts without thinking, referee - a person who can recommend you for a job,

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