1) You look a bit .............. today. Is something wrong? a) down b) disappointed 2) Natalie was very ............ when she found out that her best friend had been lying to her. a) upset b) relieved 3) You could see how ................. Helen was just by looking at the huge smile on her face. a) stunned b) thrilled 4) It's been a really long day. I'm absolutely .......... a) shattered b) gutted 5) Many older people feel .............. when their children have left home. a) homesick b) lonely 6) A: How did you feel when you heard somebody moving about downstairs? B: I was absolutely ..................... I was sure it was a burgler. a) gobsmacked b) scared stiff 7) Sue was ............... by all the support she got from her friends when her mother was ill. a) overwhelmed b) devastated 8) My best friend is afraid of flying and she feels ............... every time she catches a plane. a) terrified b) horrified  9) My mum was very ................. when she learnt how to swim at the age of 60. a) delighted b) proud 10) The government was ............... when the election results came through. They thought they were going to lose. a) disappointed b) relieved 11) I think Gemma is feeling .............. by all the different advice she is being given. a) upset b) bewildered 12) After the bomb exploded everyone was so .......... that nobody moved. a) stunned b) shattered 13) Mike was ............... when Karen left him. She was the love of his life. a) devastated b) overwhelmed 14) I am ................ the people I work with. They're always complaining. a) fed up with b) upset about 15) I felt very ............... when I told Susan that I couldn't go to her wedding. I'm sure she didn't believe me. a) grateful b) guilty 16) My cousin is starting to feel ............... after looking for a job for six months without success. a) desperate b) delighted 17) I think Nora was .................. that I didn't invite her to my party. She's hardly spoken to me since. a) astonished b) offended 18) James was .......... when he heard that his team wasn't in the Cup final on Saturday. a) gutted b) thrilled



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