Learners will understand grammar. - The aim is too general and vague and does not provide a specific learning target for the lesson, By the ... learners will have improved their vocabulary. - This aim lacks a specific vocabulary focus; progress difficult to asses., Learners will know how to use verbs. - The aim is too broad, with no mention of which verbs or in what context they will be used - difficult to assess progress., By the ... learners will have practiced using the first conditional to make predictions about the future. - The aim focuses on a specific grammar point and the context in which learner could use it., Learners will be better able to differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns when discussing food and drinks. - The aim focuses on a specific grammar point in a clear communicative context., By the ... learners will have done some speaking activities. - The focus on activities instead of the learning outcome means it lacks clarity on what learners are expected to improve., Learners will learn the present perfect tense. - This aim is too broad and unrealistic for a single lesson., By the ... learners will have improved their ability to form and use comparative and superlative adjectives when writing about travel. - The aim focuses on a specific grammar point, a skill and a context.,

Lesson aims: The good the bad and the ugly


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