1) Do you think that in the future robots will take over doing most jobs? 2) If you could have a domestic robot, what tasks would it do for you? 3) Why is security important for companies? 4) What is the difference between security measures in an office and in a factory? 5) Can technology replace face-to-face contact? 6) How has technology influenced business communication? 7) Why are health and safety measures such a problem for employers? 8) How can employers make sure their employees respect health and safety rules? 9) What is your favourite office type and why? 10) What would you change in your faculty/university infrastructure to make it more student-friendly? 11) Would you rather work for a corporation or set up your own company? Why? 12) What is your dream job? Describe. 13) How do you make important life decisions? 14) What factors made you decide to study at TUL? 15) Do you prefer working in a team or on your own? Why? 16) How should engineers work in order to achieve the best results at work? 17) Would you say you are a creative/innovative person? How does it show? 18) What could TUL authorities do to promote innovation among students and teachers? 19) How do you imagine your future professional career? 20) What is more important to you: job satisfaction or a good salary? Why? 21) Do you like the idea of smart cities? Why/not? 22) Give examples of smart technologies that you use or would like to use and describe their advantages. 23) What is the greatest challenge for scientists and inventors in your field of engineering?  24) How do you protect yourself against cyber crime? 25) Why is cyber security an important issue for organizations and companies? 26) What is the best way to commute to school/work in a big city? Give reasons. 27) How do you get to the university and how long does the journey take? 28) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city? 29) Can you think of any situations in your life when things broke down? How did you deal with the breakdowns? 30) Is it acceptable to produce goods and provide services that are not 100% perfect? Why/why not? 31) What programs/activities/facilities should be used at work to help employees stay in shape and work efficiently, in your opinion? 32) What makes a job difficult to do? In what situations would you not feel motivated to work well? Think of some examples.  33) Would you like to have a job which involves a lot of travelling? Why/Why not?  34) Travelling on business is connected with cultural differences. How important are they in business? 35) Talk about the breakdown in your field of study. 36) What would you do if there was fire in the building you are in? 37) Talk about a process from your field of study.


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