1) There ......... a big park in my city now a) is b) are c) were d) was 2) There ....... a hospital in my city many years ago. a) isn't b) aren't c) weren't d) wasn't 3) Today ............ many shopping centers in this city. a) there is b) there are c) there was d) there were 4) In 1986 ............ only one petrol station. a) there was b) there were c) there wasn't d) there weren't e) there is f) there are 5) I remember ............ a chemist's near my house. a) there is b) there are c) there was d) there were 6) There aren't ________ flats, only houses in the village. a) some b) any c) no 7) There are ___________  churches near here. a) some b) any c) no 8) ............ an airport in the past in my city. But now there is 1. a) There were b) There was c) There isn't d) There wasn't e) There aren't 9) There wasn't a river beach there but now _________ . a) there are b) there were c) there was d) there aren't e) there is 10) There roads _______ really bad in the past. Today they're brilliant. a) was b) were c) is d) are

There was, there were, there is, there are


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