iPhone is the best smartphone on the market! Unlike, West Europeans have easier life that us. Although..., The USA is famous only for hamburgers. Apart from..., The traditional Polish XMas fish is tuna. Ever since..., Pierogi are the best Polish dish. Believe it..., English is the most useful language in the world! It is a common knowledge..., Belgians speak Belgian? Majority of...(tend), People who are rich don't care about the others. The very first thing..., Travelling by train is the safest way to reach a destination. Comparing..., TV has been the best invention, ever, in the world. On no account..., Football is the only sport the Brits do at school. Apart from..., Newspapers are obsolete. Taking into account..., Andora is a country in Europe. Unlike..., School makes young people happy. I am inclined to believe.....


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