nant - stream, cymdeithas - society, agoriad - opening, arweinydd - leader; conductor, digwyddiad - event, sylw - attention; remark, er gwaetha - despite, cyflwyno - (to) introduce, ymuno â - (to) join, gyda llaw - by the way, cangen - branch, cymwynas - favour, rheol - rule, swyddogol - official, celwydd - lie, copa - summit, cadw sŵn - (to) make a noise, oriau mân - small hours, newid mân - small change, mynnu - (to) insisit, troellog - twisty, arbed - (to) save, oddi cartre - away from home, dadlau  - (to) argue , synnu - (to) suprise, cynghorydd - councillor, sefyllfa - situation, dweud eich dweud - (to) have your say, pwyllgor - committee, rhoi'r gorau i - (to) give up,

Canolradd - Adolygu Geirfa (U1-U5)

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