1) Postav se! a) Sit down! b) Close the door! c) Stand up! d) Open the book! 2) Sedni si! a) Look at the picture! b) Sit down! c) Stand up! d) Open the book! 3) Poslouchej! a) Close the door! b) Listen! c) Come here! d) Stop! 4) Podívej se na obrázek! a) Stop! b) Read! c) Draw the cat! d) Look at the picture! 5) Přestaň! a) Sit down! b) Stop! c) Write your name! d) Stand up! 6) Pojď sem! a) Pick up the coin! b) Come here! c) Look at the picture! d) Listen! 7) Otevři knihu! a) Open the book! b) Pick up the coin! c) Stop! d) Write your name! 8) Zavři dveře! a) Write your name! b) Pick up the coin! c) Stop! d) Close the door! 9) Nakresli kočku! a) Listen! b) Read! c) Open the book! d) Draw the cat! 10) Napiš své jméno! a) Stop! b) Close the door! c) Draw the cat! d) Write your name! 11) Čti! a) Stop! b) Write your name! c) Read! d) Listen! 12) Zvedni minci! a) Pick up the coin! b) Draw the cat! c) Come here! d) Close the door!

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