1) This person has got a ... a) broke arm b) hurt arm c) arm broken d) broken arm 2) This person has got a ... or a ... a) torced ankle b) sprained ankle c) esguinced ankle d) twisted ankle 3) She has got a ... a) cold b) resfride c) chill d) gripe 4) He has got ...  a) an achehead b) a headache c) a pain of the head d) a head hurt 5) This person has got ...  a) a morton b) a danyo c) a bruise d) a brooze 6) This person has got ... a) a burn b) a quem c) a bern d) a hot 7) She has got ... a) a feber b) a febril  c) a fever d) a fieber 8) He has hurt his ... a) espald b) back c) rear d) behind 9) This person sprained their ...  a) munec b) arm c) wrist d) rist 10) He has got a ... a) coff b) cough c) toss d) cof 11) She is ...  a) esneezing b) estorning c) sneezing d) colding 12) This person has ... on their toe. a) an ampol b) an ampolla  c) a bubble d) a blister 13) This person has got ... a) an eruption b) an outbreak c) a rash d) an erupcion 14) She has ...  a) an itch  b) a pick c) a scratch d) a sting

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