Doplňte slová: Safe, massive, deserted, colorful, modern, dirty, traditional, vivid, expensive, popular 1. The trip to Iceland costs a lot of money. It is ____. 2. It is not dangerous to walk around by yourself, and crime levels are super low. The city is ____. 3. Harpa concert hall is the youngest building in Reykjavik. The Harpa concert hall is trendy and ____. 4. Typical for Reykjavík are small houses with yellow, green and blue roofs. The roofs are ____. 5. Summer is the height of the tourist season. In summer it is a ____ city. 6. People like to spend time in Iceland. It is a very ____ holiday destination. 7. The geyser pushes water to enormous heights. The geyser is ____. 8. Hákarl - Fermented Shark is a typical Icelandic dish. We ordered this ____ dish in the restaurant. 9. The river was ____. There was a lot of pollution from the town's factories. 10. It was late at night and the shopping centre was ____. There was no one there.

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