Michelangelo: Painted Sistine Chapel, Bad temper, Sculpted Pieta, Da Vinci: Vegetarian/animal lover, Inventor-early sketches of a flying machine, Painted the Mona Lisa, Queen Elizabeth: Spoke five languages, Made England rich and powerful , Never married, Shakespeare: Wrote plays like Romeo ad Juliet, Many plays done at the Globe Theater, Actor, poet, and playwright, Copernicus: Studied medicine, law, and astronomy, Proposed the heliocentric theory (earth orbits the sun), Attacked by the Church, Queen Isabella: Born in Spanish kingdom of Castile, married Ferdinand of Aragon, encouraged exploration. Supported Columbus, Vesalius: Born in Brussels (Belgium), wrote On the Structure of the Human Body, first modern medical textbook, Cervantes: Born in Spain, Wrote Don Quixote a story about knights, plays,poems, and novels show interest in adventure and humor,

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