
Reading Writing

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2.134 resultater for 'reading writing'

Initial Consonant Blends
Initial Consonant Blends Tilfældige kort
Linking Words (Synonym)
Linking Words (Synonym) Find matchet
Unit 2 Trick Words 1- Spin & Read the Word
Unit 2 Trick Words 1- Spin & Read the Word Tilfældigt hjul
Soft and Hard c
Soft and Hard c Gruppesortering
Silent-e Spelling Wheel
Silent-e Spelling Wheel Tilfældigt hjul
Que fait-il?
Que fait-il? Quiz
Prefixes Tilfældige kort
Suffixes Flash-kort
Noun or Not?
Noun or Not? Whack-a-mole
Sight Words
Sight Words Åbn boksen
Closing Sentence in a Paragraph
Closing Sentence in a Paragraph Quiz
Fill in the Blank
Fill in the Blank Udfyld sætningen
Long/Short i
Long/Short i Gruppesortering
ng words
ng words Match op
Short o 2 letters
Short o 2 letters Åbn boksen
Punctuation Marks - . ? !
Punctuation Marks - . ? ! Quiz
Soft and Hard g
Soft and Hard g Gruppesortering
Short u 2 letters
Short u 2 letters Åbn boksen
Short i 2 letters
Short i 2 letters Åbn boksen
Text Structures #1
Text Structures #1 Quiz
Short e 2 letters
Short e 2 letters Åbn boksen
New game
New game Huskespil
Label the Calendar
Label the Calendar Etiket-diagram
Same Spelling Different Sound: <ea>
Same Spelling Different Sound: <ea> Gruppesortering
Consonant Blends & Digraphs
Consonant Blends & Digraphs Tilfældige kort
Kindergarten sight words/sounds - Which one does NOT belong?
Kindergarten sight words/sounds - Which one does NOT belong? Quiz
Short Vowel Sound Sort
Short Vowel Sound Sort Gruppesortering
Passé composé (auxiliaire avoir - tous groupes)
Passé composé (auxiliaire avoir - tous groupes) Åbn boksen
Passé composé (auxiliaire avoir - tous groupes)
Passé composé (auxiliaire avoir - tous groupes) Tilfældigt hjul
Les mots fréquents, niveau de lecture 1 - 4, liste 2
Les mots fréquents, niveau de lecture 1 - 4, liste 2 Tilfældige kort
4 Sounds of Y!?
4 Sounds of Y!? Åbn boksen
Fama va en Californie - Résumé et compréhension de lecture
Fama va en Californie - Résumé et compréhension de lecture Udfyld sætningen
Persuasive Writing Topics
Persuasive Writing Topics Tilfældigt hjul
Opening Sentence in a Paragraph
Opening Sentence in a Paragraph Quiz
Sounds of Suffix -ed
Sounds of Suffix -ed Quiz
Vowel /u/ - short and long sound
Vowel /u/ - short and long sound Gruppesortering
Barton L4 L1
Barton L4 L1 Huskespil
Common or Proper?
Common or Proper? Sand eller falsk
FLOSS Gruppesortering
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Gameshow quiz
Word sort ill, ell, all
Word sort ill, ell, all Gruppesortering
Whack a Mole for Letter V (mixed letters)
Whack a Mole for Letter V (mixed letters) Whack-a-mole
Pre K Sight Words Group 2
Pre K Sight Words Group 2 Åbn boksen
Book or Spoon
Book or Spoon Gruppesortering
3 Sounds of ed practice (Bingo)
3 Sounds of ed practice (Bingo) Åbn boksen
Matching pairs:  ay, ai, ow, oa
Matching pairs: ay, ai, ow, oa Huskespil
IGH - reading sentences
IGH - reading sentences Tilfældige kort
Vowel Team Quiz: ow ou
Vowel Team Quiz: ow ou Quiz
qu match up
qu match up Huskespil
Gendan automatisk gemt: ?