pharmacy, apply, law, music, farm, translate, promote, employ, qualify , retire, resign, a person without a job, a person who works for themself, a person who works for different companies , a ____________ job is a short contract ex: 6 months , a _____________ job is a job a person works only a few hours a day. , Most nurses have to work s___________. , Mike got a p__________ last week. , Mary was f_______/s________ from her job. , I'd love to s_____ u____ my own business someday. , I will r_______ from working when I'm 70 years old., Nowadays, people a______ f_____ jobs online.  , Many people were m______ r_______ because the company didn't have enough money to play the employees. , She r_____ a language school. .

English File Intermediate unit 8A


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