I have some weight problems. - Imam problema s težinom., I know that doing sports helps reduce weight. - Znam da tjelovježbom pomažemo smanjiti težinu., My parents have a plot in a community garden. - Moji roditelji imaju gredicu u društvenom vrtu., We are growing our own vegetables and herbs. - Mi uzgajamo vlastito povrće i začinsko bilje., In this way I’m exercising, improving my diet and protecting the environment. - Na taj način vježbam, poboljšavam prehranu i štitim okoliš., I often eat processed food. - Često jedem prerađenu hranu., I’m sharing my new knowledge with my friends. - Dijelim svoje novo znanja sa svojim prijateljima., I’m using simple, fresh ingredients. - Koristim jednostavne svježe sastojke ., I’m limiting the amount of fat and sugar. - Ograničavam količinu masti i šećera. , Learning how to cook gives me a great sense of freedom. - Učiti kuhati mi daje veliki osjećaj slobode., It’s never too early to learn to cook! - Nikada nije prerano naučiti kuhati., I’ve decided to change that. - Odlučio sam to promijeniti., I’m experimenting with various activities. - Isprobavam različite aktivnosti. , At the moment I’m learning to play the drums. - Trenutno učim svirati bubnjeve., I’m shooting and editing Antoine’s vlog. - Snimam i editiram Antoanov vlog. , I might become a director one day! - Mogao bih postati redatelj jednog dana.,

U3L3A Food for thought


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