1) Someone who repeats the same thing again and again. a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) (to be/sound) like a broken record  c) to buy something for a song d) to be bang on 2) wonderful news a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) to be as fit as a fiddle c) to face the music d) music to my ears 3) to face the consequences of one's actions a) to face the music b) play it by ear c) To blow the whistle d) music to my ears 4) to be physically healthy a) to bang on b) (to be/sound) like a broken record  c) music to my ears d) to be as fit as a fiddle 5) to keep talking about something in an annoying or boring way a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) and all that jazz c) to bang on d) (someone will be somewhere) with bells on 6) to be exactly right a) play it by ear b) to be bang on c) to ring a bell d) and all that jazz 7) to proudly talk about your own talents and successes. a) play it by ear b) (someone will be somewhere) with bells on c) to be bang on d) to blow (one’s) own trumpet/to toot (one’s) own horn 8) to be treated as less important than someone else a) to face the music b) to play second fiddle (to someone else) c) To march to the beat of one’s own drum d) play it by ear 9) and everything else in the same category a) play it by ear b) to be bang on c) To march to the beat of one’s own drum d) and all that jazz 10) to change the way one talks about something : to have a different opinion about something a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) to changes one's tune c) music to my ears d) (to be/sound) like a broken record  11) to deal with a situation as it happens, without a plan a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) To march to the beat of one’s own drum c) and all that jazz d) play it by ear 12) to sound familiar a) to play second fiddle (to someone else) b) to ring a bell c) to be as fit as a fiddle d) to changes one's tune 13) to report an illegal or unacceptable activity to the authorities. a) (to be/sound) like a broken record  b) play it by ear c) To blow the whistle d) to bang on 14) to go somewhere happily a) (someone will be somewhere) with bells on b) To blow the whistle c) to changes one's tune d) to be as fit as a fiddle 15) to behave in a unique or non-conforming way a) To march to the beat of one’s own drum b) to be as fit as a fiddle c) to play second fiddle (to someone else) d) (someone will be somewhere) with bells on 16) to buy something for a very low price a) To blow the whistle b) to ring a bell c) to buy something for a song d) play it by ear

EC I4 M1 6A Music Idioms Match Up


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