Viviría - I would live, Habría - There would be, Sería - It would be, Estaría - It would be (location), Cambiaría - I would change, Renovaría - I would renovate, Invertiría - I would invest, Tendría - It would have, Me gustaría - I would like, Construiría - I would build, Prohibiría - I would ban, Abriría - I would open, Haría - I would make/do, Si fuera alcalde - If I was mayor, Vivía - I used to live, Tenía - It used to have, Era - It used to be, Estaba - It used to be (location), Se podía - One used to be able to, Iba - I used to go, Había - There used to be, Han mejorado - They have improved, Han construido - They have built, Han creado - They have created, Han destruido - They have destroyed,

En mi zona - Conditional tense


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