MEGILLAS ESTHER - We read this on Purim, ACHASHVEROSH - The king of Shushan + 127 provinces, MORDECHAI - The leader of the Jewish people. He refused to bow down to Haman, VASHTI - Achashverosh's queen. She refused to appear when ordered by the king, and was killed., JEWISH - Mordechai told Esther not to reveal to the king that she was ____________, HAMAN - Wanted to kill all the Jewish people, ADAR - Purim is celebrated in the month of ____________, SHUSHAN - In Yerushalayim, Purim is celebrated a day later than in the rest of the world. This day is called __________________ Purim, MATANOS - On Purim, we give money or gifts to the poor. This is called ___________________ Laevyonim, MISHLOACH - On Purim we give each other gifts of food. This is called _____________________ Manot , HASHEM - ________________'s name is not mentioned in the Megillah, but is hidden, THREE - Esther asked the Jewish people to fast together with her for _______________ days,

Purim Crossword - English


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