poaching - illegal killing or removal of wildlife from their habitats, fledge - 1. grow feathers; 2. leave nest, cotyledon - seed leaf, spine - sharp, modified leaves, stipules, or parts of leaves, perceive - to become aware of sth through the senses, ovipositor - egg-laying tubular structure at the end of the abdomen in many female insects and some fishes, ocellus - simple eye with a thick lens that can sense changes in the brightness of daylight, monecious - having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant, corolla - collection of petals, molting - the process of shedding an outgrown exoskeleton, bumblebee - a large hairy social bee which flies with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground, drone - a male honey bee, whose primary role is to mate with an unfertilized queen, nuptial - __ flight: an important phase in the reproduction of most ant, termite, and some bee species, exacerbate - to make worse, dwindle - diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength, hoglet - young pig or hedgehog, operculum - gill cover, arboreal - Living in trees., carapace - a shell of the turtles on their back, spawn - to lay eggs (fish, amphibian), sap - fluid inside the plants vascular system, carcass - dead body of an animal, gland - An organ that produces and releases chemicals either through ducts or into the bloodstream., bile - A substance produced by the liver that breaks up fat particles., obstacle - something that makes it difficult to do sth, talons - the claws of a bird of prey, webbed - __ feet: feet of ducks, toes are connected with membranes, swallow - One _____ doesn't make a summer., palate - the roof of the mouth, constrict - to squeeze tightly (as of a snake when killing prey),


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