Would you say you spend too much time doing unnecessary things?, What is your opinion of people who are obsessed with their stuff?, Why do some people become addicted to things easily, and others not?, What can be the difficult part about finishing high school or university?, Have you had to make any difficult decisions recently?, It is said that working in something you enjoy is the key to happiness., When is the best time of year to take a vacation?, What do you normally do to keep busy in your free time?, Would you rather stay in or go out?, Would you say that you are an outgoing person?, Have you done anything fun in the last few weeks?, How often do you work out in your free time?, When was the last time you tried something new and exciting?, Has the way we spend our free time changed in recent years?, How do you think your free time will change when you have kids?, Where do you normally spend your spare time?, Is travelling an important part of your life?, How often do you go on trips?, Are you arranging any trips at the moment?, Have you ever been abroad? Where?, If you were going to travel the world, would you prefer to do it alone or with friends?, How has the way we book our holidays changed over recent years?, If you went abroad this summer, where might you go?, Do you wish you could travel more?, If you were going to go backpacking, what would you need to take?, Do you generally go on holiday abroad or stay in your own country?, Have you got a university degree? If not, why not?, Do you enjoy learning languages or do you prefer other topics?, What is the best way to learn something new?, Did you use to enjoy studying on your own as a child?, Is it easy to get used to doing a new skill?, Are you going to take up a new course in the future?, Would you say that it is essential to get a degree in today´s society?, Have you ever failed an important exam?, Are you the kind of person who spends a long time studying for exams?, Why are you studying English at the moment?, Would you prefer to work or be a student?, Should we get a job that you enjoy?, What motivates you more, having a challenging job or earning lots of money?, What would you work as in your ideal job?, Would you like to set up your own business in the future?, Have you ever worked in a job that you couldn´t stand?, Are you a very dedicated person when you have to work on something?, Do you tend to take many breaks while you are working?, How long have you been doing your current job?, Have you ever been unemployed for a long period of time?, Would you say that money is the key to a person´s happiness?, Do you prefer buying things online or in actual shops?, What is the most fashionable thing to buy nowadays?, Do you spend most of your money on luxuries or save it up?.

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