1) Joe picked up a very hot pan that was in the oven and there's a nasty _________________ a) burn on his hand b) cut on his hand c) cramp 2) I've felt ill for ten days. I think I must have a __________________ a) allergy b) virus c) infection 3) 40.1 degrees is a very high ___________. You should go to the Dr. a) temperature b) fever c) allergy 4) Anna ________ her finger with a knife in the kitchen. I think she needs a plaster a) burn b) cramp c) cut 5) Lots of people catch a ______ in the winter. a) temperature b) flu c) virus 6) One of the symptoms of a flu can be a _______________ a) sore throat b) cold c) sneeze 7) Max has got a headache and a ______________. I think he's got a flu. a) temperature b) fever c) cold 8) Beatrice can't walk very well. She _____________ he's ankle playing tennis today. a) sprained b) broke c) cramp 9) I've been sitting down all day and now I've got a ___________ in my leg a) cold b) sprain c) cramp 10) You've got a bad _______ so make sure you wear some warm clothes and take some tissues with you. a) cold b) flu c) fever 11) My eyers are sore and my skin is red. I think I've got an _______. It must be your cats. a) cramp b) allergy  c) pain 12) David has a nasty ______ on his arm after he felt off his bike. a) sprain b) bruise c) cramp

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