1) Chisel-like teeth used for cutting and biting a) Canines b) Incisors c) Premolars d) Molars 2) The intake of food into the mouth a) egestion b) assimilation c) ingestion d) absorption 3) The function of premolars a) grinding and crushing food b) tearing food c) cutting and biting food 4) The dental formula for a cow a) ICPM: 0033/3133 b) ICPM: 3143/3143 5) How many compartments does a ruminant have in their stomach? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 6) Select the correct order of stomach compartments a) rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum b) reticulum, omasum, rumen, abomasum c) abomasum, rumen, reticulum, omasum 7) Name the enzyme that breaks down starch to maltose a) lipase b) amylase c) catylase 8) Another name for 'chewing the cud' is... a) absorption b) digestion c) rumination 9) Choose the correct word to describe the environment in the rumen a) aerobic b) anaerobic 10) The pH range of the rumen is a) 6.5-7.2 b) 6-7 c) 6.2 - 7.5 11) The dental formula for a pig a) ICPM: 3143/3143 b) ICPM: 3311/3311 12) A symptom of bloat a) Painful joints b) Scour c) Twitching d) Swollen abdomen due to build up of gases 13) This compartment of the ruminant stomach has a honeycomb appearance a) Omasum b) Rumen c) Reticulum d) Abomasum 14) This compartment of the ruminant stomach has a large surface area to reabsorb water a) Omasum b) Rumen c) Reticulum d) Abomasum 15) This compartment is known as the 'true stomach'. a) Omasum b) Rumen c) Reticulum d) Abomasum 16) A channel present in calves and lambs, that brings milk from the oesphagus into the abomasum a) Rumen b) Small Intestine c) Oesophageal groove d) Villi 17) Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream here a) jejunum and ileum b) reticulum c) caecum and colon d) oesoophagus 18) Trypsin, Amylase and Lipase are examples of ________________in the small intestine a) proteins b) enzymes c) vitamins 19) One example of an essential amino acid needed in a pig's diet is: a) Vitamin K b) Amylase c) Bile d) Lysine 20) The main function of the large intestine (caecum and colon) is to: a) reabsorb water b) absorb nutrients c) secret bile

Animal Physiology


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