1) Which is the correct form of the verb to BRING? a) brougt brougt b) brought brought c) brot brot 2) Which is the correct form of the verb to SPEAK? a) spoke spoken b) spoke spoke c) spoke spokn 3) Which is the correct form of the verb to RIDE? a) rode ridden b) rode rode c) rode riden 4) Which is the correct form of the verb to THROW? a) threw threw b) thruw thrown c) threw thrown 5) Which is the correct form of the verb to DRINK? a) drank drunk b) drank drank c) drunk drank 6) Which is the correct form of the verb to BUY? a) bought bought b) boght boght c) bougt bougt 7) Which is the correct form of the verb to SWIM? a) swum swam b) swam swam c) swam swum 8) Which is the correct form of the verb to WEAR? a) wore wore b) wore worn c) wor worn 9) Which is the correct form of the verb to FIGHT? a) fought fought b) fought fough c) foght foght 10) Which is the correct form of the verb to WRITE? a) wrote writen b) wrote written c) wrote writtn 11) Which is the correct form of the verb to HANG? a) hung hung b) hung hang c) hang hang 12) Which is the correct form of the verb to MEET? a) mat mat b) met mat c) met met

Hot Spot 2 Module 6 Irregular Verbs


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