Right: ackie spends too much money on shoes., A good diet can prevent a lot of illnesses, How was the job interview?’ ‘It was OK. I wasn’t too nervous.’, I think I have enough money to pay for this, How much fruit do you eat?, Can you help me? This case is too heavy., Could I have a little milk, please?, I’m going away on holiday for a few days next week., You don’t do much exercise. Why don’t you come jogging with me?, I can’t teach children. I’m not patient enough., Wrong: Too many chocolate isn’t good for you., How much hours do you work a day?, I spend too many time at the computer., I couldn’t finish the report because I didn’t have time enough., I have too much clothes. I can never decide what to wear., We’re going to buy a little things for our new flat today, Are you enough well to go to work today?, I’m going to have very few free time this weekend., My husband does a few housework every day., We buy too much vegetables. We never eat them all!,

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