Characters: He has been trapped, typically, in empty, smiling, SHALLOW roles, this may be one of his most LIKEABLE roles yet., Plot: During the film's OVERCOMPLICATED opening sequence, The narrative was RIVETING and extremely powerful., Special Effects: It intrigues despite the CHEAP effects., The effects are STUNNING for a film released in 1977, Photography: It highlights mental illness through POOR cinematography, The sumptuous cinematography is BREATHTAKING, Performance:  A stilted, WOODEN, monotone delivery of every single line., We want NATURAL acting on stage., Script: The script is CONTRIVED and unbelievable, A COMPELLING script is written with a well-formed plot, Lyrics: Love the THOUGHT-PROVOKING lyrics in this song!, The album mixes PROFOUND lyrics with smooth transitions, Music: Listening to this INSTRUMENTAL brain stimulating music with beta waves, A song so OVER-THE-TOP it's hard to hear.,

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