1) levantar a) wake up b) get up c) sleep to bed d) go to bed 2) tomar café da manhã a) have lunch b) have dinner c) have breakfast 3) Almoçar a) have lunch b) have dinner c) have breakfast 4) jantar a) have lunch b) have dinner c) have breakfast 5) ir para a escola a) go to school b) come to school c) arrive at school d) get out of school 6) começar as aulas a) finish classes b) go to classes c) start classes d) study the classes 7) deitar-se a) sleep b) take a bed c) go to bed d) get a bed 8) fazer as tarefas de casa a) make housework b) study hoework c) do household chores d) do homework 9) tomar uma ducha a) take a bath b) take a shower c) wash the body d) take a bathe 10) escovar os dentes a) brush the teeth b) comb the teeth c) brush the mouth d) wash the teeth 11) assistir TV a) attend TV b) see TV c) watch TV d) Look TV 12) terminar as aulas a) start classes b) finish classes c) go to school d) get up to school



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