1) Did this book remind you of any other book? 2) Are there any other books by this author you have read? 3) Who was your favourite character and why? 4) Who was your least favourite character and why? 5) Which character do you think would be the most interesting to meet in real life? 6) What was your favourite part of the story? Why? 7) Were there any parts of the story you would change? 8) How did the book make you feel when reading/listening to it? 9) Did you learn any new words or facts from the story? 10) Who would you recommend this book to? 11) Did you have a least favourite part of the story? Why? 12) If you could rate this book out of 10, what would you rate it? 13) What did you think of the ending? 14) If there could be a book written about a different character's story, whose would you choose? 15) Do you think there should be a prequel or sequel to this book?

Class Novel Talk


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