Who was the blind man from whom the prophet turned away his attention? - Abdullah Ibn Surayah, In this Surah, the Prophet was disapproved for turning away from a blind man. - Surah Abasa, Altogether, how many wives did the Prophet have in his life? - 13 women, After the revelation of this complete Surah, the companions worried that the prophet might pass away soon. - Surah Anasr, After Khaijah died, the Prophet married a widow, who would take care of his children. Who was she? - Sawdah, Who was the very last woman to be included as the wife of the prophet? - Mymunah, In a battle, the prophet fell down and was almost killed. He lost one of his teeth. What was the battle? - Battle of Uhud, The prophet during his migration to Madinah took a different direction. what was that direction? - South, What was the general profession of Muhammad when he was a young man? - Shepherd and trader, The prophet and Abu Bakr hide in this cave when they fled from Makkah, what was the name of the cave? - Cave Thawr,

Prophet Muhammad 2


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