Hello everyone. Today, I'm going to talk to you about some ____ in Croatia which you might want to visit. First of all, there is the Diocletian's Palace, which is in Split. Emperor Diocletian built it about 800 years ____ but people still live there. Also, there are shops, restaurants and hotels inside. You should ____ and see it. Another ____ you should see is Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč on coast of Istria. They ____ it in the 6th century over another old house. There is mosaic floor in the garden and ____ of beautiful art in the inside. You should see it because it is an ____ building. Finally, the Roman ____ at Salona (now Solin) is a landmark you really have to see. There are the ruins of an amphitheatre, buildings and baths. Those are three ____ landmarks you should visit while you're here in Croatia. I ____ you enjoy your visit! Thank you for listening.

A presentation on landmarks (RO2, Project Time 5)


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