Political Boss - Corrupt city governments officials promising to provide services and jobs in exchange for votes., Dawes Act - Divided up reservations into plots. Also placed Native Americans into schools to Americanize them, Assimilation - process by which people of one culture become part of another culture, Homestead Act - Gave 160 acres of land to citizens who met certain requirements and paid a fee, Boss Tweed - Leader of Tammany hall, Americanization - Learning to dress, speak and act like other Americans, Nativism - Favoring native born Americans over immigrants, Bessemer Process - made production of steel more efficient. Led to sky scrappers, Electricity in Factories - allowed for a longer work day, Transcontinental Railroad - First railroad to connect from coast to coast, Captains of Industry - Positive name for Gilded Age entrepreneurs that built the industrial economy, Robber Barrons - Negative name for Gilded age entrepreneurs that were blamed for keeping wages low and destroying competition, philanthropy - desire to promote the welfare of others. Donated a ton of $$$$, Cornelius Vanderbilt - Railroad tycoon who had monopoly on rail travel in US, J.P. Morgan - Gilded Age banker , Henry Ford - Famous entrepreneur who used the assembly line in his factories,

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