1) It's a(n) ________ nice day, isn't it? a) absolutely b) really c) very 2) I thought the film was ________ amazing. a) absolutely b) quite c) extremely 3) It's ________ marvellous news. a) absolutely b) very c) really 4) We were ________ unlucky at the races. a) very b) really c) totally 5) I'm getting ________ bored with this book. a) absolutely b) really c) quite 6) She was ________ amazed to see him there. a) extremely b) pretty c) totally 7) We got ________ soaked in the rain. a) very b) really c) totally 8) He's________ clever for his age. a) absolutely b) extremely c) pretty 9) We had a ________ pleasant day by the seaside. a) really b) totally c) very 10) They were ________ astonished at the news. a) really b) totally c) very

2.3 Gradable and ungradable adj (Choose the odd one)


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