1) Tom … television every evening. a) look b) is watching c) watches d) is looking 2) … a tree on the blackboard! a) Sing b) Play c) Clap d) Draw 3) Ann didn’t … her teeth in the morning. a) brush b) brushed c) brushing d) brushes 4) A postman usually … letters a) read b) mails c) delivers d) sends 5) Look! The dog … Mary’s birthday cake. a) is eating b) eats c) is eaten d) eat 6) Summer is the … season. a) warmer b) coldest c) hottest d) hotter 7) I’ve got … money. I can’t buy this CD a) much b) little c) many d) few 8) A doctor for animals is a … a) wet b) vet c) pet d) zoologist 9) In some countries … very hot a) there is b) is c) it d) it is 10) Have you seen Peter? Yes, I … him yesterday. a) see b) sees c) saw d) will see


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