The company always takes ____ new staff for the summer period. Negotiations broke ____ because of a disagreement about trading arrangements. The lecturer talks so fast - I just can't keep ____ with her train of thought. It was so noisy in the room that I couldn't make ____ what Jill was saying. The new management team plans to bring ____ a number of changes in the company. No one expected that the new fashion would catch ____ as quickly as it has. The robbers made ____ with a large amount of money. Lucy asked the bank for a loan in order to set ____ a consultancy business. However hard things may seem, it is important not to give ____ and stop trying. Mark thinks there are problems in the contract and he is dead set ____ our signing it. The noise in the libray immediately put me ____ the idea of studying there. Many people don't have much money, just enough to get ____.

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