1) be a) was -were b) bed c) been 2) have a) haved b) had c) has 3) run a) runs b) runned c) ran 4) see a) saw b) seed c) seen 5) take a) took b) taked c) taken 6) eat a) ate b) eated c) eats 7) go a) gone b) went c) goed 8) wear a) wore b) weared c) wearing 9) make a) maded b) maked c) made 10) give a) gave b) gived c) givd 11) say a) sayied b) sayed c) said 12) come a) comed b) came c) comeed 13) become a) becomeed b) becomed c) became 14) think a) thought b) thinked c) thoght 15) drink a) drinkked b) drank c) drinked 16) ride a) rode b) rided c) rideed 17) buy a) buyed b) buied c) bought 18) pay a) paid b) payed c) paied

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