1) We ____________ to the cinema last night. a) went b) were c) came 2) She ____________her leg two weeks ago. a) lost b) broke c) chose 3) They ____________ a wallet on the pavement yesterday afternoon. a) took b) thought c) found 4) My friends and I ______________ at the stadium to see a football match. a) drank b) drove c) met 5) You and Rachel ________________ your books at home. a) forgot b) lost c) threw 6) My grandma _________ very lonely last night. a) saw b) felt c) hit 7) Two years ago we ___________to New York. a) stole b) flew c) held 8) Yesterday________ the best day of my life! a) were b) was c) had 9) Last Monday he ____________ a new car. a) bought b) sang c) read 10) Last summer we __________ a lot of fun at the seaside. a) Got b) Had c) Were 11) Ralph _____________ the competition very easily. a) cut b) hung c) won 12) Mary ..................a new dress for ther sister's wedding a) didn't bought b) didn't buyed c) did'nt buy 13) My parents ____________________ for Paris two weeks ago. a) Didn't leave b) Not left c) Don't leave 14) She ___________early last Sunday, so she couldn't go to the seaside with her friends. a) Doesn't get up b) Don't get up c) Didn't get up 15) When I _____at primary school I _____________ a uniform. a) Was / didn't wore b) Was / didn't wear c) Were / didn't wear 16) We ______________ many people to the party a) didn't invited b) didn't invite c) didn't invit 17) Last Summer my friends and I ______________ on holiday to Mexico we decided to go to Italy a) didn't goed b) didn't went c) didn't go

Past Simple - affirmative and negative


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