1) David ____________ how to play chess, but I don't. a) knows b) is knowing c) has known d) has been knowing 2) I ____________ Dublin twice. a) visit b) am visiting c) have visited d) have been visiting 3) I can't talk now. I ____________ for my History exam. a) study b) am studying c) have studied d) have been studying 4) Paul and his family usually ____________ their summer holidays in Italy. a) spend b) are spending c) have spent d) have been spending 5) How long ____________ for us? a) do you wait b) are you waiting c) have you waited d) have you been waiting 6) How often ____________ to the gym? a) does your sister go b) is your sister going c) has your sister gone d) has your sister been going 7) The teacher ____________ you can speak English very well. a) thinks b) is thinking c) has thought d) has been thinking 8) Andrew ____________ his final exams and he is very happy. a) passes b) is passing c) has passed d) has been passing 9) We ____________ to John since Christmas. a) don't talk b) aren't talking c) haven't talked d) haven't been talking 10) I'm really fed up with you! You ____________ my homework! a) always copy b) are always copying c) has always copied d) has always been copying 11) I often ____________ to school with my friends. a) walk b) are walking c) have walked d) have been walking 12) My mother ____________ Chinese food. She doesn't know what she is missing! a) never tries b) is never trying c) has never tried d) has never been trying 13) They ____________ for the last hour.  a) talk b) are talking c) have talked d) have been talking 14) The bus ____________ at five past every hour except on Sundays. a) leaves b) is leaving c) has left d) has been leaving 15) We ____________ a terrific film. You should watch it! a) just see b) are just seeing c) have just seen d) have just been seeing 16) Listen! The neighbours ____________ an argument. a) have b) are having c) have had d) have been having 17) This guitar ____________ to my father. a) belongs b) is belonging c) has belonged d) has been belonging 18) Jack ____________ his bed yet. a) doesn't make b) isn't making c) hasn't made d) hasn't been making 19) Stop talking! I ____________ my favourite TV programme right now. a) watch b) am watching c) have watched d) have been watching 20) The film ____________ at 9:30 p.m. a) starts b) is starting c) has started d) has been starting 21) My father ____________ to the supermarket. a) just goes b) is just going c) has just gone d) has just been gone 22) You ____________ to revise for your exams! a) need b) are needing c) have needed d) have been needing 23) The kids ____________ football at the moment. a) don't play b) aren't playing c) haven't played d) haven't been playing 24) ____________ an English-speaking country? a) Do you ever visit b) Are you ever visiting c) Have you ever visited d) Have you ever been visiting 25) My parents ____________ in this house since 2005. a) live b) are living c) have lived d) have been living 26) Natasha is in her bedroom. I think she ____________ her homework. a) does b) is doing c) has done d) has been doing 27) Someone ____________ my pen because I can't find it. a) takes b) is taking c) has taken d) has been taking 28) I sometimes ____________ dancing on Saturdays. a) go b) am going c) have gone d) have been going 29) Rose ____________ very well. a) doesn't cook b) isn't cooking c) hasn't cooked d) hasn't been cooking 30) I ____________ this song for ages. a) don't hear b) aren't hearing c) haven't heard d) haven't been hearing 31) People ____________ frustrated with the prices going up every day. a) get b) are getting c) have got d) have been getting 32) My dress is ruined. What ____________? a) do you do b) are you doing c) have you done d) have you been doing 33) More and more people ____________ redundant these days. a) become b) are becoming c) have become d) have been becoming 34) I'm sorry, but Mr Robinson ____________ today. He has taken a day off. a) doesn't work b) isn't working c) hasn't worked d) hasn't been working 35) I can't open the door. I ____________ my key. a) lose b) am losing c) have lost d) has been losing 36) Who knows what he ____________ about? He never makes any sense. a) talks b) is talking c) has talked d) has been talking 37) Our French teacher usually ____________ us a lot of homework. a) gives b) is giving c) has given d) has been giving 38) Everybody knows that the world's rainforests ____________. a) disappear b) are disappearing c) have disappeared d) have been disappearing 39) What ____________ for the last 30 minutes? a) do you do b) are you doing c) have you done d) have you been doing 40) My brother ____________ very hard at the moment because some of his colleagues are off sick. a) work b) is working c) has worked d) has been working



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