, , , , , , If my team wins the match, …, We will be late if …, If I have enough money, …, I’ll go on holiday this summer if …, If we are hungry later, …, We won’t have a dinner if …, If I don’t pass the final test in English, …, I’ll be very upset if …, If he doesn’t come soon, …, Their grandmother will be angry if …, You’ll forget everything if …, If she calls me, …, If I can’t sleep at night, …, If shop assistant gives me too much change, …, If I don’t understand a foreigner, …, I’ll fall asleep if …, I’ll be really annoyed if …, If somebody makes to much noise in a cinema, …, If they feel hungry at night, …, If you feel bored at home, …, If I receive bad service in a restaurant, ….


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