1) Do you think cars should be banned from city centers? 2) Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not? 3) Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature? 4) How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values, environment, health) 5) How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood? 6) What are some things that can be recycled? 7) What are some things which you recycle? 8) Do you know about any anti-pollution programs in your community? 9) Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or Why not? 10) What can large cities do to improve their air quality? 11) Do you think global warming is real? 12) Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle? 13) Does your country have a smoking ban law in place? 14) What are the benefits/ disadvantages of a smoking ban? 15) What is global warming? 16) In what ways can we save more water? 17) Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle? 18) In some parts of the world endangered animal species are hunted because they are believed to have medicinal properties. In such cases, should local culture and traditions be respected or should it be made illegal worldwide to hunt and consume exotic animals? 19) What little things do you think you could do to help protect the environment? 20) Do you go to school/work on foot / by bike / motorbike / bus / car / other? 21) Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on Environment. 22) One-third of all globally produced food ends up wasted. 23) What stories have you read or heard recently about the environment? 24) Which countries are leaders in caring about the environment? 25) Do you think international meetings on the environment are useful? 26) If the environment could speak, what would it tell us? 27) What kind of pollution has the most detrimental effect on our health? 28) Where can a person go to breathe really fresh air? 29) Do you try to get close to nature?

Environment - speaking


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