a school where students live and study - boarding school, make someone feel determined to do something - motivate, a discussion or practical work on a subject in which a group of people share their knowledge or experience - workshop, an outline or summary of the subjects to be covered in a course - syllabus, officially join a course - enrol, a talk at a university or college - lecture, learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination - cram, to abandon school - drop out, one of the periods into which a year is divided at school - term, a year between leaving school and starting university that is usually spent travelling or working - gap year, a meeting where a group of people discuss a problem or topic - seminar, a student who already has a degree that is studying at a more advanced level - postgraduate, a student at a university or college who is studying for his or her first degree - undergraduate, your studies are paid for by the school or university or by some other organization - scholarship, go to lessons or lectures - attend classes, finish something within a given time - meet the deadline, learn something memorizing - learn by heart,

Education Vocabulary C1.1


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