Almshouses - A private house built in the past where old or poor people could live without having to pay rent , Society of Merchant Venturers - An organisation of wealthy Bristol merchants who were influential in city politics and many of whom made their money from slavery, Royal African Company - An English trading company set up in 1660 by the royal Stuart family and City of London merchants to engage in the trade of extracted resources and human trafficking, along the west coast of Africa, Philanthropy - The activity of helping the poor, especially by giving them money, The Windrush Scandal  - A British political scandal that began in 2018 concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and some of whom were wrongly deported from the UK by the Home Office. Most had been born British subjects and had arrived in the UK before 1973, particularly from Caribbean countries, as members of the "Windrush generation" (so named after the Empire Windrush, the ship that brought one of the first groups of West Indian migrants to the UK in 1948),

Transatlantic slavery


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