1) To establish a relationship means to ..... a) stop the relationship. b) start the relationship. 2) If you set up a company it means that you.... a) buy a company. b) start a company. c) sell a company. 3) You'll be right! You've studied hard enough. You'll _______________ the exam easily! a) get in b) get out c) get through 4) Please let me finish what I have to say before you _______________________ me again. a) interrogate b) interject c) interrupt 5) A: You have such lovely hair! B: Why, thank you! Person B is a) paying a compliment. b) accepting a compliment. 6) A: Have you fully recovered __________ your operation yet? B: Yes, thanks for asking. a) for b) after c) from 7) I finally got ___________ the flu/influenza. a) under b) over 8) She promised she wouldn't say anything to anyone! Why did she _______________ her promise? a) broke b) brake c) break

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