Why did the bananas go to the doctor? - It wasn't peeling well., What did the left eye say to the right eye? - Between us, something smells. , What did the ground say to the earthquake? - You crack me up!, Why did the cookie go to the hospital? - He was feeling crummy. , Why is 6 afraid of 7? - Because 7 ate 9. (7 8 9), What did the ghost say to the invisible man? - Long time, no see. , How do you make a tissue dance? - Put a little boogie in it!, What kind of pants does super mario wear? - denim denim denim, Why do you never shower with a Pokemon? - He'll pikachu, Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? - He has no body to dance with. , What did the policeman say to his tummy? - Freeze! You're under a vest! , How do you throw a party in space? - You plan-et. (plan it), What did the ocean say to the shark? - Nothing, he just waved. , What is a banana's favorite shoe? - Slippers, What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? - Frost bite, What do you call it when a snowman has a temper tantrum? - A meltdown!, What is black and white and read all over? - a newspaper, Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? - He didn't have the guts! , How do eggs leave a bus? - The eggs-it (exit), Why couldn't the teddy bear finish his pancakes? - He was stuffed! , Where do snowmen keep their money? - In a snowbank, Why did the ballerina wear a tutu? - Because one-one was too small, and a three three was too big. , What days are most twins born on? - Twosday (Tuesday), Which fruit do twins love? - Pears!, Why didn't the bicycle smile? - He was two-tired. (tired),

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